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  • COMMUNICATION Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages.The messages can either be spoke nor written.In olden time messages were sent through pigeons , horse – riders or by signal .  The sailors signaled to other ships about in the seas by waving flags .
  •  In the present world , communication is of two types : a)Personal communication b) Mass communication
  •  PERSONAL COMMUNICATION It means communication between sender and receiver or caller receiver . The means of personal communication are :- 1. Postal system 2. Telegraph 3. Telephone  I
  •  Postal system : Millions of letters, card, parcels and money orders are sent and received through post–office everyday. Mail is transported by vans, trains, aero plane and even ships . In India the first-office was set up at byculla in Mumbai in 1832.’"Postal Index Number{ PIN }’’was introducted to make the sorting of mail quick and easy .The post- offices also provide banking and ‘Speed Post’ services .
  • TELEGRAPH In 1837 , Samuel Morse invented a system of sending Messages by telegraph . The senders sends the messages through dot and dash symbols and operator (the receiver ) receiving the message at the other end ,translates these dots and dash symbols into words .
  • TELEPHONE Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham bell in 1857. It is the quickest method of direct communication between two people .On telephone a person talks to another person Living at a distance . 
  • Mass Communication helps in communicating with a large number of people at the same time . The means of Mass Communication are : 1. Print media 2. Electronic media
  •  1. Print Media : Print media includes newspapers , books , magazines , journals , etc . They play an important roles in spreading knowledge ,information , ideas and skills through words ,figures , illustrations and graphs to thousands of people . ‘ Bengal Gazette ’was the first newspaper which was published in India .
  •  Electronic Media Under electronic media , we shall study about : a} Radio b} Television
  •  Radio : It was invented by Guglielmo Marconi . It brought a revolution in mass communication . Radio programmes are broadcast to the whole world . Even illiterate people can listen and understand the radio programmes like music, discussions , dramas and commentary of important events or games .  Radio also helps ships and aeroplanes to send messages in an emergency .
  • Televisions : It was invented by John Logie Baird in 1926 . Televisions is more effctive than a radio . It involves both the sense of seeing and hearing.Any happening in any part of the world can be viewed in the comfort of our homes .
  • SATELLITE COMMUNICATION. An artificial satellite is a man made object which revolves around the earth . It helps in transmitting sounds and pictures through transmitters . A satellite acts as a bridge between different countries of the world. An internet is connected through a satellite.